Immigration Court Defense: Asylum + Withholding of Removal, Part V

Immigration Court Defense: Asylum + Withholding of Removal, Part V

ecently, I discussed the defense of “cancellation of permanent residents.”  Today, I would like to discuss the defense of “asylum.”   This is a very, very old defense in international law.  It is a way for immigrants or refugees to request protection in their new...
Immigration Court Defenses

Immigration Court Defenses

In my previous discussions about bond in immigration law,  I mentioned that getting a bond from an immigration judge is easier if a person has any defenses in immigration court.  I would like to talk a little more today about what I mean by “defenses.” By “defenses” I...
The Importance of Bond in Immigration Court: Part III

The Importance of Bond in Immigration Court: Part III

Today, we are jumping back in to the topic of bond in Immigration Court.  I think that many people (and perhaps many lawyers) do not appreciate just how important of a subject it is.  For that reason, I would like to discuss it a bit further. Right now, the calendars...
The Importance of Bond in Immigration Court: Part II

The Importance of Bond in Immigration Court: Part II

In my last post, I touched on the subject of bond in immigration court.  I offered a definition of bond for those who may not understand exactly what it is, and I talked briefly about who qualifies for bond and who does not.  This subject is very important, because...